Welcome to RefWorks. This Administrative Tools section provides information to help administrators manage and support their legacy RefWorks subscription.
In January 2016, we introduced new RefWorks and we encourage you to explore this new version. With a refined user experience, full-text management, collaboration and many other powerful features, RefWorks enables students and faculty to have a more efficient and reliable process for producing the best research papers and grants. To get started, contact ProQuest RefWorks support to get set up. Both the new and the legacy services will be available so users can get used to the new interface at their own pace.
During this dual-access period, ProQuest will continue to add functionality to New RefWorks. When ready to make a full upgrade, institutions can choose whether to upgrade all of their users or some of their users using our "soft" or "hard" migration tools.
Also make sure to stay informed: On the RefWorks Support Center you will find up-to-date information, user guides, FAQ's, feature documents, webinar recordings, and more. Make sure to select Notify Me and sign up to receive automatic update alerts for this page.
Information & Tools
There are numerous tools within the Administrative module that enables you to create a customized; more locally integrated service for your users including:
Setting Preferences(organize customized lists for Import Filters, Output Styles and Z39.50 sites)
Subscriber Information(changing items such as Name of Institute on Login Page, Group Code, Administrative Password, etc.)
Customize the Confirmation Email(message that is sent out when a new account is set-up)
Customize the Focus Area(identifies type of user and specialty subject area or department users select during registration)
Site Wide Output Styles(adding an output style that has been created locally and posting for all users to use within the organization)
Site Wide Z39.50 Sites(adding commercial online service sites such as CSA, OCLC, OVID, etc.)
Open URL Configurations
RefShare Settings(activating/de-activate users; create institution or departmental central web-page)
Usage Reports(account activity/non-activity)
Master Account (Login Required)
As a RefWorks Administrator, you have access to a Master Account. This Master Account is like any individual user account, however, it is what you will need to use as the first step in:
Creating custom output styles for site-wide use
Adding custom Z39.50 sites for site-wide use
Detailed information and instructions on all these features can be found in Online Help.